Seiko finds a Stink Bug

February 2, 2008

Seiko is a spectacular hunter. So far, since September, she has dispatched the one and only mouse foolish enough to enter the house in 12 years, numerous bugs and as my dad called them "ungeziefer". One night her prize was a stink bug which earned her a mouthful of stink bug juice and a stab from its beak. I had to chase her through every room in the house so I could confine her and watch for any worse reaction. They are not poisonous but she was drooling a twitching horribly at first. She was perfectly fine and normal after about an hour later (the initial reaction lasted less than two minutes) but I was very close to getting her to the vet immediately -never mind that I was in night clothes and robe.

She has her eye on the wild turkey that visits the yard frequently. She sits at the window and chatters at it. I know she is saying "I want to eat you - you big plump turkey you." She does weigh about 7 lbs now but that turkey is huge. Of course the lot of them could bring it down as a group effort...