Wherein Seiko Stays in a Hotel

July 11, 2008 - July 12, 2008

Seiko's Godmeowmy Tonya came to Virginia for a brief visit. Since time was short, Seiko and I stayed in a petfriendly hotel near the Richmond airport so Tonya could see Seiko before her flight out.

Seiko was less than impressed with the experience.

"Are you SURE this isn't the Bates Motel?????"

"At least you remembered to pack my toys."

"Can I get room service in there?"

"I think you're the psycopath, lady..."

"But... maybe I had better check..."

"Just in case there is another one lurking."

"Can we go home now?"

"Meowmy - a psycopath killer gotted mine toy."

"There's no place like home."

Seiko recognized Tonya immediately and made right up to her. Then something spooked Seiko and we did not see much of her for the rest of the visit, so we didn't get the reunion photos we wanted. But it was a good visit. Tonya is one-in-a-million. I look forward to getting to know her better.

Tonya and I rescued Seiko once, but Seiko rescues me every day.